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Your message to us will be held in strict confidence. All requests for information by mesothelioma patients and their family members will be answered within 24 hours. Mesothelioma Treatment and Care Guides are sent to mesothelioma patients and families by overnight delivery.

Blogging About Mesothelioma

It is now 2018 and as years pass, medical information about Mesothelioma is becoming more easily accessible to the public. Like anything, some websites are more reliable than others and it is unfortunately up to you to weed out the ones that carry more validity. Websites that are most accurate are written from people who are currently and actively caring for patients who have Mesothelioma. With that said, there is not that much available on these websites about emotions. Emotions are a huge part of the disease and recovery.

As we write blogs, frequently they are based on patient’s experience and medical experience. Following blogs like this one can allow you to read and inform yourself at your own pace. Many patient’s blog their own experience whether it be how their diagnosis was initiated, how they are handling chemotherapy, side effects from drugs or other issues. This can help with building a community of support. Despite Mesothelioma being a rare disease, the emotions and feelings are far from uncommon. Often this can help if you are feeling alone, scared or depressed. No one knows better than a fellow Mesothelioma patient. Your loved ones are doing everything for you but it is not the same as speaking with another person experiencing what you are enduring.

Some patients get through their journey by keeping a journal of their thoughts and emotions. Some people do it just for themselves and others have people follow them. Whatever the reason you choose, whether your thoughts become public or private it may just help you or someone else.

Many patients with different types of cancer blog as well. You don’t have to strictly follow Mesothelioma patients. Think about who and what you choose to follow as a guide. Take what you like and leave the rest behind.

Whenever one starts or stops blogging it is usually for a reason. Often it is the easiest way to keep family and friends involved about the person’s progress. It allows patients to say it once and not have to field numerous phone calls or say things numerous times. Caring Bridge is a familiar web site to many where daily journaling can be formulated and readers can post their love and concern for you.

We all know what kind of illness this is and how much it can take out of you and your family. Like most illnesses, it can be mentally draining. If you try one of these tactics possibly it will give you some mental relief.

– Lisa

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Your message to us will be held in strict confidence. All requests for information by mesothelioma patients and their family members will be answered within 24 hours. Mesothelioma Treatment and Care Guides are sent to mesothelioma patients and families by overnight delivery.

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